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    Agency / end client

    Your Umbrella Specialists

    As a freelance contractor, you want to ensure that all your legal requirements and financial deductions are met. Let the professionals at Pinnacle provide the stress-free consolidation of all that time-consuming administration.

    Our accreditation by Professional Passport testifies to our competence and efficiency. Your payments and PAYE submissions will be expeditiously handled by our helpful team who are here to serve you.

    We make certain that you are fully insured in the workplace as we provide generous insurance packages when you sign with us. Furthermore, you will always be kept informed of your earnings and also have the assurance of same day payments as well as of a team of experts working on your behalf. This is the Pinnacle Promise.

    The Pinnacle Promise of Professionalism

    Full employment rights / Statutory Benefits – SSP (Statutory Sick Pay), SMP (Statutory Maternity Pay), and SPP (Statutory Paternity Pay)

    Pension Scheme Available if you wish to make pension contributions

    Insurance Cover Included

    Same day payments

    Liability – £10 million

    Indemnity – £5 million

    Public / Product liability – £5 million

    One to one relationship payroll management
